Thursday 4 July 2019

Pengalaman sebagai pelajar software engineer di Universiti Selangor (UNISEL)

Hello guys!

Kali ini aku akan share experience aku as a student software engineer di UNISEL.sebelum sambung degree, aku belajar di politeknik ungku Omar as diploma in programming student.

First sekali aku akan share dekat korang subject apa yang korang akan belajar.Tetapi disebabkan aku ada transfer credit, kemungkinan susunan subject aku agak berbeza.Maksudnya disini ada beberapa subjek yang tak perlu aku ambil lagi sebab dah ambil masa diploma.

Dibawah adalah diantara subject yang aku tak perlu ambil lagi:

(Credit Transfer)
2.Programming Methodology
3.Operating System
4.Database System
5.Computer Networking
6.Human Computer Interaction

Semester 1

1.Object Oriented Programming
2.Introduction to Web Design
3.Business Planning and Enterprenuership
4.Technical English 1

Semester 2
1.Technical English 2
2.Kemahiran Al-Quran 2
3.Introduction to Software Engineering

Semester 3
1.Information System
2.Interactive Multimedia
3.Data Structure and Algorithms
4.Software Requirement

Semester 4
1.Software Design and Architecture
2.Computer and Network Security
3.Software Quality Assurance
4.Hubungan Etnik
5.Visual Programming

Semester 5
1.Software Construction
2.Web Application and Development
3.Final Year Project 1
4.Mobile Programming
5.Project Management
7.Introduction to Malaysian Legal System

Semester 6
1.Human Personality and Team Building
2.Computer Organization
3.Software Testing
4.Artificial Intelligence
5.Software Maintenance and Evolution

Semester 7
1.Discrete Mathematics

Semester 8
1.Final Year Project 2

Last Semester
1.Industrial Training

Diatas adalah subject yang perlu korang ambil sekiranya korang nak  ambil software engineering di UNISEL.Tapi korang mesti pelik kenapa banyak sangat semester yang aku ambil..ha3.. .Sepatutnya pada semester 6 aku perlu ambil Final Year Project,tetapi masa tu not able to deliver project masa tu sebab well that time masih baru dalam mobile development.Itu pasal tidak boleh nak siap on time dan Semester 7 adalah semester pendek. So conclusion nya, jangan jadi macam aku..ha3.

Diantara contoh silibus pada setiap subjek:

  • Object Oriented Programming
    • Arrays
    • Method
    • Class
    • Object
    • properties
    • Inheritance
    • Encapsulation
    • Polymorphism
    • Exception Handling
    • Abstract
    • Interface
    • Others
  • Introduction to Web Design
    • Basic HTML
    • Basic CSS
    • Others
  • Introduction of Software Engineering
    • Software Processes and Software Product
    • Project Management
    • Software Requirement
    • Software Architecture and Design
    • Verification and Validation
    • Software Testing
    • Others
  • Information System
    • Information in Business Today
    • Strategies uses of  Information Technology 
    • Categories of information systems 
    •  Database Management and Data Warehousing
    • Systems Planning and Development '
    • Risks,Security and Disaster Recovery
    • Others
  • Software Requirement
    • Software Requirement Fundamentals
    • Requirement Elicitation
    • Requirements Analysis
    • Modeling System Requirement 
    • The Traditional Approach to Requirement
    • The Object Oriented Approach to Requirement
    • Requirement Specification
    • Requirement Validation and Evolution
    • Goal Orientation in Requirement Engineering
    • Building System Models for Requirements Engineering
    • Issues in Software Requirements
    • Others
  • Software Design
    • Introduction Software Design
    • The Role of Software Design
    • Transferring Design Knowledge
    • Design Strategies
    • Design with Objects
    • Object Oriented Design Pattern
    • Architecture Design
    • Design Guidelines
    • Formal Models and Specifications
    • Others
  • Software Quality Assurance
    • Software Quality Challenge
    • Software Quality Factos
    • Component of Software Quality Assurance
    • Development and Quality Plans
    • Assuring the quality of software maintenance components
    • Others
  • Visual Programming
    • Forms
    • Toolbox
    • Solution Explorer
    • Properties Windows
    • Text Property
    • Message Box
    • Variables
    • Concatenation
    • Comment
    • Condition Login
    • Dialog Result
    • Image
    • Open File Dialog
    • File Dialog Box
    • Checkbox
    • Radio Button
    • Exception Handling
  • Software Testing
    • Fundamental of Testing
    • Static and Dynamic Testing
    • Software Testing Design Technique
    • Test Management
    • Software Measurement
    • Tool Support for Testing
    • Challenges in Software Testing
  • Software Maintenance and Revolution
    • Fundamental of Software Maintenance
    • Evolution of Legacy System
    • Software Evolution Process
    • Technique for Maintenance
    • Key Issues in Software Maintenance
    • Configuration Management

Cadangnya aku nak ambil computer science pada awalnya.Tetapi bila aku dengan bachelor of computer science (Software Engineering) , perghh bunyi macam gempak je kann..ha3 then aku decide ambil software engineering.Lepas dah lepas 1 semester tu,then aku realize yang course ni mostly focus pada documentation.Tak banyak pun focus pada programming.Masa tu aku cadang macam nak tukar kepada Computer Science la..but aku just stick dengan Software Engineering.

That why kalau korang ambil course computer science,korang akan lebih focus pada subjek programming instead of focus on how to writing a good documentation.That why time tu aku realize aku kene cari masa untuk aku belajar programming sendiri.

But selepas aku dah kerja ni kan.Aku rasa bagus la aku ambil SE time aku belajar dulu.Sebab banyak juga documentation aku kena buat time kerja ni.

Ape yang korang akan tahu bila korang graduate as Software Engineering student?

1.Boleh membuat system documentation.
2.Boleh membangunkan Sistem.
3.Boleh kenalpasti requirement dari client.